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The following are selected articles published in the media about this case. The story title will link you to the media site that published the story or to a page within this web site.
We have also provided contact information for members of the media to learn more about this case in the hopes that they will help to call national and international attention to the terrible injustice that has been visited upon Lacresha Murray and her family.
Lacresha Murray in the News
Family’s embraces welcome LaCresha Murray back homeNew!
Austin360.com April 21,1999
A Travesty in TexasNew!
NY Times, In America/Bob Herbert, April 18,1999
In Murray case, autopsy brings questionsNew!
LaCresha Murray’s defenders say child-abuse angle was never pursued
Austin360.com April 17,1999
Vigilant crusader for girl’s release cheers legal turnaboutNew!
Austin360.com April 16,1999
Cherishing warm images in grip of a rigid routineNew!
Austin360.com April 16,1999
Lacresha Case OverturnedNew!
Court rules interview with police inadmissible
Austin360.com April 16,1999
Juvenile Injustice?
CBS 60 Minutes, Air Date: January 17, 1999
See the complete segment of this high-profile, national coverage of Lacresha’s case. All of the principals in were interviewed for this segment, including Lacresha herself. Mike Wallace also interviewed the founder of People of the Heart, Barbara Taft. See the interview in its entirety.
Special thanks go out to Chris Calovic at MassComm Internet for making it possible for everyone around the world to see this important story by donating his time, skills and equipment.
Did 11-year-old kill toddler?
CNN Interactive, January 16, 1998
Justice goes unserved for a Texas girl;
Class, race emerge in child’s conviction for a toddler’s death
Baltimore Sun, September 13, 1998
Justice Denied?
Advocates Still Fighting for Lacresha Murray’s Freedom
Austin Chronicle, August 7-13, 1998
She Believes
Barbara Taft Devotes Her Life to Convicted Teen
Austin Chronicle, August 7-13, 1998
Page Two
Publisher’s Editorial by Louis Black
Austin Chronicle, August 7-13, 1998
Court asked to overturn Murray verdict
Austin American-Statesman, May 14, 1998
11-Year Old Fights ConvictionRequires Real Audio Player!
Pacifica Network News, January 15, 1998
USA/Justice – Defenders of Lacresha MurrayRequires Real Audio Player!
Wings Women’s Newscast – One World Radio News, November 31, 1997
Black Louise Case Ignites Justice Row
The Sunday Times, U.K., November 23, 1997
Media Inquiries Welcome!
If you are a reporter or media representative and you would like more information about the Lacresha Murray case, please contact us!
People of The HeartBarbara Taft, Founder P.O. Box 2585 Cedar Park, Texas 78630-2585 Telephone: (512) 707-3743E-Mail: [email protected] | Lacresha Murray’s AttorneyKeith S. Hampton 819 ½ West 11th Street Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 476-8484 (512) 476-0953 (fax) E-Mail: [email protected] |
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